Ethereum, criptovaluta e smart contracts
Ethereum is another well-known used cryptocurrency. It is not just a cryptocurrency, but a decentralized platform for the creation and release of smart contracts.
How does Ethereum work?
Ethereum, apart from writing information into the blockchain, allows for the implementation of smart contracts.
Smart contracts are a blockchain-specific software, written in a specific language (e.g. Ethereum is written in the Solidity language) that only works within the blockchain itself.
The Ethereum cryptocurrency is called ETH and is worth 2,000 Euros.
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Why smart contracts?
Smart contracts are the key to solving some interesting problems such as:
Provide a sum of money on fixed dates, for example on a birthday. The smart contract sends a gift to the birthday person on the deadline (which is the actual birthday date)
Provide insurance policies when a specific event takes place, for example an insurance policy paid out when a death certificate is submitted. The heirs forward the certificate and the policy is automatically paid out.
Erogare polizze assicurative quando accade un determinato evento, ad esempio una polizza assicurativa erogata a seguito dell'invio di un certificato di morte, gli eredi inoltrano il certificato e automaticamente la polizza viene erogata.
Ensure the traceability for a product
Ensure the food chain for a product
Non-fungible Token (NFT): currency for valuable objects such as digital artworks. The artist creates a digital artwork, and then sells it by creating a smart contract that gives the authenticity certificate to the buyer only when the payment has been processed.
Can smart contracts help your business?
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How are these terms related?
Blockchain is the ground on which all cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are based.
Blockchain is also an interesting technology by itself for its implementation potential, independently of cryptocurrencies.
Do you wish to see blockchain at work to digitize documents?
Want to see blockchain at work?
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